But, alas, there's still something about the first snow. It always gives me the feeling of starting new, resetting. Typically my track season would be well over by now. This is the time of year for a little recuperation. One more race for me, then I'm not running a step for at least a week! I'm staying inside, drinking cocoa and playing Candy Land with Ciara. :)
Right now, in more than one way, our family is getting a fresh start. After deciding to move to Portland, then deciding to stay here after all, Brent and I are both looking forward to resuming training feeling refreshed. Brent is officially going to be working with Jay Johnson (coachjayjohnson.com) now! He's excited about putting the '09 season behind him and looking forward to new experiences in 2010. I'm looking forward to new experiences in the near future, as well! We'll keep you posted. :)